Sailor Jupiter/Heavy Metal Papillon

A) Roleplayer Info:

B)Good Guy Info:
1)Common Name: Kino Makoto
2)Superhero Name: Sailor Jupiter
3)Physical Appearance in Civilian Form: She's 5'6", she has brown hair and emerald green eyes. She is athletic, and likes to wear form-fitting clothing. She loves cooking and sports, and it shows.
4)Physical Appearance in Superhero Form: Same height. Same hair (always up in a ponytail). She wears her white Super Sailor fuku. She has an emerald green skirt with white piping, elbow length gloves with green piping, an emerald collar with one white stripe, and green boots that come up to her mid-calf with three inch heels. Her choker is emerald with a gold star in the middle, and her tiara is gold with an emerald in the middle.

Jupiter Crystal Power, Make up!- This is what she uses to transform into Sailor Jupiter.
"Sparkling Wide Pressure!"-this is one of her weaker attacks. It shoots lightning at the enemy.
"Jupiter Oak Evolution!"- This is Jupiter's strongest attack. Jupiter has control over lightning, thunder, and thunderstorms. Sailor Mercury causes the rain as a cover for battles.

6)History: Her parents died in a plane crash when she was younger. She lived in an apartment by herself. She was kicked out of her old school, and transfered to Juuban School. She wore her other uniform as the one for Juuban was too small. She followed Usagi, Ami, and Minako to Juuban University for High School. She was found as a Sailor Senshi when she was fighting Zoicite.

C)Bad Guy Info:
1)Name:Heavy Metal Papillon
2)Tell here whether your bad guy works for Kalko, someone else, or works independently, for their own purposes: She works solely for her own purposes
3)History: As one of the animates, she was under the control of Sailor Galaxia. Once Galaxia was defeated, she was thought dead. On the contrary, she was lurking around Earth, waiting for the opportunity to meet up with the sailor senshi. As of yet, we have no idea what her motives are.
