Chibi Nephrite

A) Roleplayer Info:
1)Name: Misty MizuHana

C)Bad Guy Info
1)Name: Chibi Nephrite
2)Tell here whether your bad guy works for Kalko, someone else, or works independently, for their own purposes: Independently.
3)Appearance: Age: looks ten, acts three. Long, thick brown hair that flops around his face and in his eyes. Slender and fragile looking, his voice isn't as raspy as it originally was.

4)History: He's gone somewhat mad, and blames the senshi for his current predicament, having been accidentally used to revive a boy of ten by an unskilled necromancer. He thinks that killing the senshi will restore him to his original age, and he uses any means possible to achieve his goals. Chibi Nephrite's youma's tend to center around constellations and the Zodiac, although if he runs through those he'll resort to using ones named for varying gods and goddesses.
